
Binary Distribution

For most modern Linux derivates, you should be able to simply run the binary provided here.

Grab it there and follow the instructions in chapter Run hcpupd.

Build your own Binary

In case the provided binary fails to run on your Linux, you need to build it on your own. Here’s how to do that:


Make sure the objcopy utility is installed:

$ objcopy

If the command isn’t found, you need to install the GNU binutils package. For Fedora 24, this is:

$ sudo dnf install binutils.x86_64
  • Clone the repository from GitLab:

    $ git clone
  • Change into the project folder and create a Python 3 virtual environment and activate it:

    $ cd hcpupd/src
  • Update pip and setuptools, then load all required dev-packages:

    $ sudo pip3 install --upgrade pip setuptools
    $ sudo pip3 install -r pip-requirements-dev.txt
  • Run the build tool:

    $ pyinstaller hcpupd.spec

    You should find the executable in the dist subfolder.

  • Now follow the instructions in chapter Run hcpupd.